25. 螢幕保護程式



我們可以用Visual Basic來建立一個基本的螢幕保護程式:一張蓋住整個螢幕的表單,使圖形不斷移動及改變的程式碼,以及反映使用者動作、使程式停止的程序。這些就是一個螢幕保護程式的基本要件。在往後的幾節中,我們會介紹一些加強的功能。

如果要使你的Visual Basic應用程式成為Windows環境中的螢幕保護程式,必須把程式編譯成螢幕保護程式。請在「檔案」功能表中選擇「製成」,在對話方塊中點選「選項」。在「專案屬性」對話方塊的「製成」頁籤裡,在「名稱」一欄中填入 "scrnsave:" 及螢幕保護程式之名稱,例如,SCRNSAVE:MySaver。接下來,按下「確定」離開「專案屬性」對話方塊。把執行檔的副檔名改為.SCR,再按下「確定」,開始進行編譯。你必須把這個執行檔移到Windows目錄下,這樣「顯示器內容」對話方塊的「螢幕保護裝置」頁籤中才會出現這個螢幕保護程式。



一個基本的螢幕保護程式應符合幾個要求:當使用者移動滑鼠、按下滑鼠鍵或按下字鍵時,螢幕保護程式應該停止執行;這個應用程式不能有多個執行實體同時執行;另外,在Windows 95的環境下,它應該能處理「顯示器內容」 - 「螢幕保護裝置」的「設定」、「預覽」以及「密碼」等設定項目。

下面這個螢幕保護程式範例並未針對「顯示器內容」 - 「螢幕保護裝置」中所有的設定項目設計相對的處理程序(但是「等候」除外,因為系統會自己處理「等候」)。另外,它不會對滑鼠的移動事件有所反應。除這兩點之外,其餘的基本功能都在範例程式中。

現在請新增一個標準執行檔專案MySaver1,然後再加入一個程式模組。把程式模組命名為modMySaver1,表單命名為frmMySaver1,分別將它們存成MySaver1.frm和MySaver1.bas。在frmMySaver1中加入一個計時器控制項tmrExitNotify,把計時器控制項的Interval屬性設為1,Enabled屬性設為False;接著把表單的BorderStyle屬性設為"0 - 沒有框線",WindowsState屬性設為"2 - 最大化",最後加入下列的程式:

Option Explicit

`Module-level variables
Dim mblnQuit As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Paint()
    Dim lngX As Long
    `Display different graphics every time
    `Initialize graphics parameters
    Scale (0, 0)-(1, 1)
    BackColor = vbBlack
    `Do main processing as a loop
        `Update display
        `Yield execution
    Loop Until mblnQuit = True
    `Can't quit in this context; let timer do it
    tmrExitNotify.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrExitNotify_Timer()
End Sub

`This is where the real graphics drawing takes place
Sub DoGraphics()
    `Occasionally change line color and width
    If Rnd < 0.03 Then
        ForeColor = QBColor(Int(Rnd * 16))
        DrawWidth = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1)
    End If
    `Draw circle
    Circle (Rnd, Rnd), Rnd
End Sub

把以下這段程式加入到MySaver1.bas模組中,然後把專案的啟動物件設為Sub Main。

Option Explicit
`Starting pointDear John, How Do I... .
Public Sub Main()
    Dim strCmd As String
    Dim strTwo As String
    `Process the command line
    strCmd = UCase(Trim(Command))
    strTwo = Left(strCmd, 2)
    Select Case strTwo
    `Show screen saver in normal full screen mode
    Case "/S"
        Load frmMySaver1
        Exit Sub
    Case Else
        Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub




 圖25-1 MySaver1螢幕保護程式執行的情形


請參閱 第二十九章"圖形" 中的MySaver應用程式,這個螢幕保護程式較為完整。



如果應用程式已經在執行狀態,Visual Basic中App物件的PrevInstance屬性會被設為True;你可以利用這個屬性,在Form_Load事件程序中加入程式碼,以避免兩個以上的應用程式執行實體同時在系統中執行。以下這段程式碼告訴你如何在螢幕保護程式中使用App.PrevInstance:

`Don't allow multiple instances of program
If App.PrevInstance = True Then
    Unload Me
    Exit Sub
End If

第二種防止多個螢幕保護程式同時執行的方法是呼叫一個API函式,以這個函式告訴系統目前螢幕保護程式已經啟動。這個方法讓作業系統完全控管啟動螢幕保護程式的所有細節。這種方法就是後面幾個範例和 第二十六章 所採用的方法。


Option Explicit
`Constants for some API functions

Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo _
Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" ( _
    ByVal uAction As Long, _
    ByVal uParam As Long, _
    ByRef lpvParam As Any, _
    ByVal fuWinIni As Long _
) As Long
`Starting pointDear John, How Do I... 
Public Sub Main()
    Dim lngRet As Long
    Dim lngParam As Long
    Dim strCmd As String
    Dim strTwo As String
    `Process the command line
    strCmd = UCase(Trim(Command))
    strTwo = Left(strCmd, 2)
    `Tell system screen saver is active now
    lngRet = SystemParametersInfo( _
        SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, 1, lngParam, 0)
    Select Case strTwo
    `Show screen saver in normal full screen mode
    Case "/S"
        Load frmMySaver2
        Exit Sub
    Case Else
        Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub



Windows API函式ShowCursor可以隱藏或是顯示滑鼠游標;如果要隱藏游標,傳入False給ShowCursor,如果要顯示游標,則傳入True。我們用這個函式在螢幕保護程式中隱藏游標。


在Visual Basic中滑鼠游標的原文為"pointer",但在C++ 裡卻稱為"cursor",這就是為什麼這個函式被命名為ShowCursor的原因。


Private Declare Function ShowCursor _
Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal bShow As Long _
) As Long


`Hide mouse pointer
x = ShowCursor(False)

`Show mouse pointer
x = ShowCursor(True)

請務必要讓這些函式成對地執行,這樣才能確保程式結束執行時,滑鼠游標可以回復原狀。如果要能在螢幕保護程式中隱藏游標,請把MySaver2存成MySaver3專案,把MySaver3.bas裡的 "MySaver2.frm" 全部改為 "frmMySaver3.frm",然後把MySaver3.frm改成以下這段程式:

Option Explicit

`API function to hide or show the mouse pointer
Private Declare Function ShowCursor _
Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal bShow As Long _
) As Long

`Module-level variables
Dim mblnQuit As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Paint()
    Dim lngRet As Long
    `Display different graphics every time
    `Initialize graphics parameters
    Scale (0, 0)-(1, 1)
    BackColor = vbBlack
    `Hide mouse pointer
    lngRet = ShowCursor(False)
    `Do main processing as a loop
        `Update display
        `Yield execution
    Loop Until mblnQuit = True
    `Show mouse pointer
    lngRet = ShowCursor(True)
    `Can't quit in this context; let timer do it
    tmrExitNotify.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrExitNotify_Timer()
End Sub

`This is where the real graphics drawing takes place
Sub DoGraphics()
    `Occasionally change line color and width
    If Rnd < 0.03 Then
        ForeColor = QBColor(Int(Rnd * 16))
        DrawWidth = Int(Rnd * 9 + 1)
    End If
    `Draw circle
    Circle (Rnd, Rnd), Rnd
End Sub




Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
    X As Single, Y As Single)
    `Keep track of last known mouse position
    Static sngX As Single
    Static sngY As Single
    `On first move, simply record position
    If sngX = 0 And sngY = 0 Then
        sngX = X
        sngY = Y
    End If
    `Quit only if mouse actually changes position
    If X <> sngX Or Y <> sngY Then
        mblnQuit = True
    End If
End Sub


我們假定滑鼠游標的起始位置是在非零的座標位置,但即使在程式啟動之初,游標位置是 (0,0),一旦滑鼠移動時仍然會將程式停下來。




Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub


你也許看過有一種較奇特的螢幕保護程式,這種螢幕保護程式會讓螢幕上的畫面"融解"或是像漩渦水流一樣地流走。其實,只要用幾個Windows API函式,你也可以建立一個具有相同效果的螢幕保護程式。下面這個範例就是使用這種特效的螢幕保護程式。這個程式與本章前面幾節中的MySaverX很相似,兩者的不同在於本例多使用了幾個API函式,而且本例多了許多增強的功能。我們把這個範例命名為MySaver5。


請按照第一節中介紹過的編譯程序,將本範例編譯成SCR檔,然後將這個檔案移到Windows目錄中。另外,請務必設定以下幾個表單的屬性:Auto Redraw設為True,BorderStyle設為"0-沒有框線",KeyPreview設為True,WindowState設為"2-最大化"。最後,在表單中加入一個計時器控制項,把Interval屬性設為1微秒,Enabled屬性設為False。以下是程式內容:

Here's the code for MySaver5.bas: 

Option Explicit
`Constants for some API functions

Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo _
Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" ( _
    ByVal uAction As Long, _
    ByVal uParam As Long, _
    ByRef lpvParam As Any, _
    ByVal fuWinIni As Long _
) As Long
`Starting pointDear John, How Do I... .
Public Sub Main()
    Dim lngRet As Long
    Dim lngParam As Long
    Dim strCmd As String
    Dim strTwo As String
    `Process the command line
    strCmd = UCase(Trim(Command))
    strTwo = Left(strCmd, 2)
    `Tell system screen saver is active now
    lngRet = SystemParametersInfo( _
        SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE, 1, lngParam, 0)
    Select Case strTwo
    `Show screen saver in normal full screen mode
    Case "/S"
        Load frmMySaver5
        Exit Sub
    Case Else
        Exit Sub
    End Select
End Sub
Here's the code for MySaver5.frm: 

Option Explicit

`API function to hide or show the mouse pointer
Private Declare Function ShowCursor _
Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal bShow As Long _
) As Long

`Declare API to get a copy of entire screen
Private Declare Function BitBlt _
Lib "gdi32" ( _
    ByVal hDestDC As Long, _
    ByVal lngX As Long, ByVal lngY As Long, _
    ByVal nWidth As Long, _
    ByVal nHeight As Long, _
    ByVal hSrcDC As Long, _
    ByVal lngXSrc As Long, ByVal lngYSrc As Long, _
    ByVal dwRop As Long _
) As Long

`Declare API to get handle to screen
Private Declare Function GetDesktopWindow _
Lib "user32" () As Long

`Declare API to convert handle to device context
Private Declare Function GetDC _
Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal hwnd As Long _
) As Long

`Declare API to release device context
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC _
Lib "user32" ( _
    ByVal hwnd As Long, _
    ByVal hdc As Long _
) As Long

`Module-level variables
Dim mblnQuit As Boolean

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim lngX As Long
    Dim lngY As Long
    Dim lngXSrc As Long
    Dim lngYSrc As Long
    Dim dwRop As Long
    Dim hwndSrc As Long
    Dim hSrcDC As Long
    Dim lngRes As Long
    Dim lngM1 As Long
    Dim lngM2 As Long
    Dim lngN1 As Long
    Dim lngN2 As Long
    Dim lngPixelColor As Long
    Dim lngPixelCount As Long
    Dim lngRet As Long
    Dim intPowerOfTwo As Integer    
    `Display different graphics every time
    `Copy entire desktop screen into picture box
    ScaleMode = vbPixels
    Move 0, 0, Screen.Width + 1, Screen.Height + 1
    dwRop = &HCC0020
    hwndSrc = GetDesktopWindow()
    hSrcDC = GetDC(hwndSrc)
    lngRes = BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, _
        ScaleHeight, hSrcDC, 0, 0, dwRop)
    lngRes = ReleaseDC(hwndSrc, hSrcDC)
    `Display full size
    `First time use high power of 2
    intPowerOfTwo = 128
    `Hide mouse pointer
    lngRet = ShowCursor(False)
    `Do main processing as a loop
        `Map screen into rectangular blocks
        Scale (0, 0)-(intPowerOfTwo, intPowerOfTwo)
        `Set a random solid color
        lngPixelColor = (lngPixelColor * 9 + 7) Mod 16
        lngPixelCount = 0
        `Algorithm to hit each location on screen
        lngM1 = Int(Rnd * (intPowerOfTwo \ 4)) * 4 + 1
        lngM2 = Int(Rnd * (intPowerOfTwo \ 4)) * 4 + 1
        lngN1 = Int(Rnd * (intPowerOfTwo \ 2)) * 2 + 1
        lngN2 = Int(Rnd * (intPowerOfTwo \ 2)) * 2 + 1
            `Jump to next coordinate
            lngX = (lngX * lngM1 + lngN1) Mod intPowerOfTwo

            If lngX <> 0 Then
                lngY = (lngY * lngM2 + lngN2) Mod intPowerOfTwo
                `Let system do its thing
            End If
            `Fill rectangular block with solid color
            Line (lngX, lngY)-
(lngX + 1, lngY + 1), QBColor(lngPixelColor), BF
            lngPixelCount = lngPixelCount + 1
            `Exit this loop only to quit screen saver
            If mblnQuit = True Then Exit Do
        Loop Until lngPixelCount = intPowerOfTwo * intPowerOfTwo
        intPowerOfTwo = 2 ^ (Int(Rnd * 5) + 2)
        `Yield execution
    Loop Until mblnQuit = True
    `Show mouse pointer
    lngRet = ShowCursor(True)
    `Can't quit in this context; let timer do it
    tmrExitNotify.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
    X As Single, Y As Single)
    Dim sngXnow As Single
    Dim sngYnow As Single
    sngXnow = Round(X)
    sngYnow = Round(Y)
    `Keep track of last known mouse position
    Static sngX As Single
    Static sngY As Single
    `On first move, simply record position
    If sngX = 0 And sngY = 0 Then
        sngX = sngXnow
        sngY = sngYnow
    End If
    `Quit only if mouse actually changes position
    If sngXnow <> sngX Or sngYnow <> sngY Then
        mblnQuit = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    mblnQuit = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrExitNotify_Timer()
End Sub



 圖25-2 螢幕保護程式會讓螢幕上的畫面"融解"


請參閱 第二十九章"圖形" 中的MySaver應用程式。



命令列參數 描述
/a 「顯示器內容」對話方塊中的「更改密碼」按鈕已被按下。
/p nnnn 只要當「螢幕保護裝置」頁籤被點選,「顯示器內容」對話方塊就會讓使用者預覽螢幕保護程式。命令列中的數字是 hWnd 的值,代表小張的桌面畫面圖形。
/c 「顯示器內容」對話方塊中的「設定」按鈕已被按下。
/s 「顯示器內容」對話方塊中的「預覽」按鈕已被按下,或是程式由系統正常啟動。


`Configuration command
Case "/C"
    `Temporarily show mouse pointer
    x = ShowCursor(True)
    `Perform any user interaction
    MsgBox "No setup options for this screen saver"
    `Hide mouse pointer
    x = ShowCursor(False)
    `Configuration is completed
    Unload Me
    Exit Sub
`Password setting command
Case "/A"
    `Temporarily show mouse pointer
    x = ShowCursor(True)
    `Get and record new password here
    MsgBox "No password for this screen saver"
    `Hide mouse pointer
    x = ShowCursor(False)
    `Setting of new password is completed
    Unload Me
    Exit Sub

上面這段程式提供了一個範例,告訴你如何處理命令列參數。如果你想看看使用所有參數(/a參數除外)的完整範例,請跳到 第二十九章 " 圖形 " ,參考MySaver應用程式。MySaver應用程式使用了本章所介紹的程式碼,包括預覽縮小的螢幕畫面。